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Identification of High Risk Colo-Rectal Cancer Patients
from Histochemical Parameters

G.Valet1), BEM van Driel2), C.J.F. van Noorden2)

1) Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried, Germany
2) Lab.Cell Biology & Histology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

1. Concept: Malignant tumor cells may show metabolic differences as compared to the normal surrounding tissue. Such differences in combination with other clinical information could be useful for individualized post-surgery disease course prediction by cytomics (multiparametric evaluation of molecular markers in heterogeneous tissues or cell suspensions).

2. Realisation: The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) oxygen insensitivity assay, CuZn- and Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lipid peroxidation levels were determined by absorption cytophotometry in frozen sections of colorectal carcinomas and adjacent normal mucosa tissue. The measured values as well as the calculated ratios and differences between cancer and normal tissue in each patient, furthermore the patient age, Dukes' tumor stage, lymph node metastasis and blood vessel invasion status that is altogether 29 parameters were analysed by CLASSIF1 data pattern analysis.

3. Results: A data pattern of 11 parameters permitted to predict non-surviving and surviving patients with predictive values of 100% and 59.5% in the learning set and of 100% and 62.5% in the test set of unknown patients, showing robust classification with the selected parameter patterns for prospective classification of unknown patients.

4. Conclusion: The classification of tissue data patterns in patients shows that the determination of molecular markers in tissue sections by absorption cytophotomtry has the potential for an early identification of high risk patients. It exceeds the capacities of histopathological grading and staging system by morphological parameters alone.

5. Literature References:
1. BEM van Driel, GK Valet, H Lyon, U Hansen, JY Song, CJF van Noorden: Prognostic estimation of survival of colorectal cancer patients with quantitative histochemical assay of G6PDH activity and the multiparameter classification program CLASSIF1. Cytometry(Comm.Clin.Cytometry) 38:176-183(1999) (pdf).

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Last Update: May 01,2020
first display: Jun 26,2000